
Formats et techniques variables
Fusain et encre sur papier (30 x 42 cm) et huile sur toile (70 x 100 cm)
Vue d'atelier
Formats et techniques variables
Fusain et encre sur papier (30 x 42 cm) et huile sur toile (70 x 100 cm)
Vue d'atelier
En apparence abstrait, ce travail de dessin et de peinture part d’une émotion : m’imaginer, plus que percevoir, la réduction galopante des territoires terrestres sauvages. Puis-je transposer dans une forme graphique une telle présence ténue, résiduelle ? En exprimer le manque ? M’inspirant de la manière dont certaines plantes ressurgissent autour des bords des pavés, je garde en tant que dessin les marges aléatoires et informes laissées après la traversée graphique d’un carré de papier. En équilibre entre vide et plein, les compositions se décentrent, excentrent le regard vers ces fines marges résiduelles.
Seemingly abstract, these drawings and paintings start from an emotion: to imagine, more than to perceive, the galloping reduction of wild terrestrial territories. Can I transpose such a tenuous, residual presence into a graphic form? Can I express the lack of it? Inspired by the way certain plants reappear around the edges of paving stones, I keep as a drawing the random and shapeless margins left after the graphic crossing of a square of paper. Balancing between full and empty, the compositions are off-centre, off-centre towards these fine residual margins.
Seemingly abstract, these drawings and paintings start from an emotion: to imagine, more than to perceive, the galloping reduction of wild terrestrial territories. Can I transpose such a tenuous, residual presence into a graphic form? Can I express the lack of it? Inspired by the way certain plants reappear around the edges of paving stones, I keep as a drawing the random and shapeless margins left after the graphic crossing of a square of paper. Balancing between full and empty, the compositions are off-centre, off-centre towards these fine residual margins.